Monday, December 20, 2010

My friend, Jim

On Saturday, December 18, many of us paid our respects to Mr. James Lee Bible Senior. Personally I didn't have the pleasure of knowing him for a long period of time but I did have the privilege of knowing him and I think that's great. What's even better is that I know I'll spend eternity with Jim. The duration of eternity will make this lifetime seem like the blink of an eye.

Jim Bible was very sick; stage four lung cancer had taken it's toll on his body. But guess what? There is no more pain or suffering. It gets better than simply "no more suffering". Jim is whole now. Isaiah 35:6 tells us that "the lame will leap like a deer". My friend, Jim, who often times relied on his walker for mobility, is now able to LEAP in the presence of his Savior.

I don't know if Jim liked to dance but I'm betting he has already cut a heavenly rug! Laughed with James and John (the Sons of Thunder) until his sides hurt. I believe that he has listened, awestruck, to Paul and Peter tell their stories.

After all of this, I believe that there may have been silence in heaven. The crowd stilled and Jesus looked at Jim and said, "Tell us your story, my son". And Jim spoke. Moses nodded his silent approval. Paul remembered the scar in his neck as Jim talked about his cancer. Elijah recalled not having had to taste death in this world. Peter could relate to leaving a family behind.

And after Jim finished, I'm betting Jesus said again, "Well done, good and faithful servant, well done".

I think angels applauded as the heavens broke into joyous praise for our God and our brother and friend joined them in loud voice.

You see, my friend Jim has experienced the hope of heaven. This life is but a moment, a passing through. Our home waits in heaven.

"When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be, when all get to heaven, we'll sing and shout the victory"

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