Sometimes I pray wimpy prayers. I hate to admit that, but I do. I say, "Dear Father, if You would only heal so-and-so" or "if You would only intervene in this crisis" or something of the sort. Really stinking wimpy prayers. And because of things I have experienced in my past, I afraid that I'm bothering God, as if He really isn't interested in talking to me or that I am taking valuable time that could belong to someone more important.
Enter the 90 Day New Testament Challenge and what God has to say to me. Luke writes to Theophilus in chapter 18, verses 35-43, about something that happens to Jesus and the Disciples are walking. A blind man is sitting on the side of the road when Jesus & Co. are passing his way. This unnamed man hears a commotion so he asks someone what's going on. I imagine that this man, who is a beggar, sits in dirty clothing. He's probably unkempt and a little smelly so whoever answers this question likely dismisses this guy as quickly as the terse answer that he provides to this lowest class citizen.
Does a short answer hush our smelly beggar friend? Au contraire! Our blind companion begins to shout at Jesus. "Have mercy on me, Son of David!" The crowd tries to hush him but he only screams louder, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"
Jesus stops and asks the man, "What do you want me to do?" Smelly, blind, beggar man says, "Lord, I want to see!" The reply of Jesus? "All right, receive your sight. Your faith has healed you."
So what does any of this have to do with me and my wimpy prayers? Everything! This man who (I am assuming) never even met Jesus before screams at our Lord until He stops walking and then he tells Him quite directly what He wants. He has heard about Jesus, he knows Who He is, and He knows what He is capable of doing. So he is direct with Jesus in telling Him what his needs are.
When I get to heaven I hope that I can meet smelly, blind, beggar man. I want to tell him, "Thank You" for setting an example and allowing me to dismiss my wimpy prayers.
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