Thursday, November 11, 2010

Secret Agent Man

Secret agents have some great advantages in this world.  Take James Bond for example; he is an international man of mystery; he has tricks and gadgets and tools that make your head spin.  He looks debonair and suave, he never gets messy and he always gets himself out of trouble.  As far as I can see, however, that's where his rewards end. 


You see, poor ol' Jimmy (no one every called him "Jimmy", I'm sure, before now) eats alone at the holidays.  He might eat at the finest restaurant in the entire world but there is no one with whom he can share.  He might have the newest car or nicest watch (that can shoot your eye out) but he has to get them for himself.  Even if someone gives him one of these things, they give it expecting that he will do something in return.  And he cannot tell anyone what he is doing or why he is doing it; his job is to operate in secrecy, total anonymity. 


To make matters worse, JB is a hero when he saves the day.  Everyone applauds him.  If he messes up, though, no one supports him.  He's all alone to figure out how to fix the catastrophe.  And, if it suits the HQ, M to be exact, she will deny him in a heartbeat and let him take the fall for everyone else. 


I don't think it's good to be a secret agent.  Neither does God. 


Unlike agent 007, Christians are called to be part of a body of believers, a family.  This is one of my favorite parts of being a follower of Christ.  I don't have to eat alone or worship alone or struggle alone or rejoice alone.  I am never alone because Jesus has promised to be with me.  The most amazing part is that Jesus gave His life for me and never expected anything from me in return.  He wants me to love Him and follow Him in obedience but He was willing to die regardless of how I treat that sacrifice. 


The only thing He tells me is that I cannot deny Him in front of me, or He will deny me in front of His father.  It's as simple as that.  I cannot wear the trench coat of Christian stealthy or hide behind the mask of the mundane or mediocre.  I am called to be in the world but not of the world.  There's no such thing as a secret agent Christian. 


Today I challenge us all to live openly for Christ.  I don't have to wear a t-shirt that says Jesus Rules or walk around with my Bible tucked under my arm everywhere I go.  My speech and my actions, however, should mirror my love for him.  Keeping my mouth shut when everyone else is talking or talking when everyone else hides in silence should show people that I'm different because He lives in me. 


Throw out the membership card to the secret society and live in the light of Jesus today. 

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