Monday, October 25, 2010

Ticked Off & Proud Of It

When I was younger I didn't have an opinion about the things of God.  As I got a little older I thought that God's word was "right" but I still applauded those who had the backbone, the chutzpah, to stand for what they thought was right whether it agreed with God's word or not.   Now, as I finally start to mature, I see much God's word much more in black or white.  God's word is right; going against it is the wrong thing to do.

Why do I write this?  Because it has been my prayer that God would break my heart for what breaks His and the more that this change takes place in me, I find that sin makes sick.  It ticks me off!  I can no longer look at a pastor who announces to his conversation that he is gay because made him that way or that he had an affair and condone his behavior.  I get nauseous!  Seeing children being treated as nothing more than an afterthought by parents who are consumed with their own selfish and sinful desires makes me angry!  Watching greed in our lives (in my own life!) take precedence over helping those in need burns me up.

I hope my tirade in this blog doesn't offend you but rather that it spurs us all to action.  God wants us to be like Him and when we allow sin to take first place in our lives over God there is no way that we can do this.  When we condone sin in our society because we believe that certain things are the "norm", we are not acting like the church.

It is not our place to condemn people.  It is, however, our place to stand for our beliefs and not be apologetic for God or His word.  It is our place to love those around us but we do not have to tolerate the sin that permeates our world.

I'm ticked off and proud of it.  I hope you are, too.

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